Clean Conferencing Institute

We’re a nonprofit dedicated to improving virtual conferencing.

Our mission

We’re learning to improve virtual conferences so that organizations will hold them more often. To get there, we focus on the social part of conferencing—networking with other people.

We envision a world where associations alternate each year between in-person and virtual conferences. This would reduce carbon emissions from conference travel and increase conference access for more people.

Improving virtual conferences

We focus on bringing the interactive parts of conferences into the virtual space: hallway conversations, entertainment events, and social functions.

Advocating for more virtual

We take take a systems approach, helping leaders change their practices and policies so individuals don’t have to choose between attending and polluting.

Your superpowers

You can take action today to improve virtual conferencing.

To learn more, click the button below that best describes your role.


Virtual conferences can help save the world

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How bad is conference travel for climate change?

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The future of virtual conferencing: Finding your peeps

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What lies beyond webinars? Networking!

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Contact Clean Conferencing, today.

We’re affiliated with Social & Environmental Entrepreneurs

Some images from Freepik, Pexels and Unsplash